Paul Biggar was born in Dublin, Ireland, and lived there most of his life. When he was young, his Dad had a couple of computers, where Paul could program in Basic and Logo. In addition to these early introductions, he was into building his own machines, and tweaking their hardware settings to get the most optimal performance out of them. He completed his CS undergrad after spending many years into computers, along with his Phd, before heading off to Silicon Valley to do the tech startup thing. He currently lives in NY, and during the pandemic, his primary activity outside of tech and entrepreneurship is taking walks with friends.
In a past venture, he was the founder of CircleCI, the very popular continuous integration tool for engineering teams. Building on his successes here, he started to look at how difficult it was to deploy code, to do infrastructure, to write code, how teams interact, and many other friction points for the SDLC. He set out to remove the complexities of how we build apps today.
This is the creation story of Dark.