Aaron White started coding when he was young, tinkering on his commodore 64 when he was sent to his room, typing in esoteric commands just to get the game to run. He was a big magic the gathering player when he was young, and his parents pushed him towards working for a startup. Coming from a family of creators, he was sort of the black sheep since he wasn’t painting or doing something with physical creative elements. Started coding professionally in his mid teens, and has kept at it ever since, attending college to study computer science and make all sorts of things. He currently lives in New York with his girlfriend, and enjoys a life of professional and personal flexibility.
When attempting to start an IT consulting firm, he noticed that there was not a good way to show a firm their IT landscape – what your app inventory was, who uses what, etc. So he built a tool to do just that, to help with leadgen for his firm. When it started to spread like wildfire, he figured out this was more than a leadgen tool.
This is the creation story of Blissfully.