Torrey Leonard lived in Maryland prior to moving to New York City. In 7th grade, his claim to fame was building the world’s largest Minecraft server in the world. In early high school, he had over a million users, made 6 figures, and was fueled by open source software that still runs on most Minecraft servers today. Outside of tech and gaming, he loves to play pickleball and really enjoys skiing – though he confesses that in New York, it’s harder to do these hobbies, financially and logistically.
Last summer, Torrey built a platform that allowed you to build out voice agents. After doing so, he realized that there wasn’t a good way to do this through a UI, and he realized this was an obvious thing that needed to be built. He decided to leave his prior company to pursue this vision – which headed towards the Zapier for call center agents.
This is the creation story of Thoughtly.
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