Satish Jayanthi was born in India, and attended school there. When he was growing up, his Mom was a teacher and his Dad was dabbling in different businesses. After he graduated, he started working for a software company, which ultimately sent him to Europe, and then eventually to the US 22 years ago. Outside of tech, he spends a lot of time with his family, his 2 kids, and he loves to play tennis and meet people doing so. As a father, he continually reminds his kids to be passionate about what they are doing, and to do so with 100% effort.
Prior to his current venture, Satish was building data warehouses for different businesses and firms in the industry. He saw first hand how hard it was to bring a bunch of data sources all together, and have them be compatible in a single source. He decided to set out and solve the problem, by bringing a modern approach to the space, paired with automations.
This is the creation story of Coalesce.