Raghav was a product developer, starting a young age. He was creating interesting products for science exhibitions as a kid. Once, this professor asked him to do a cancer research project, which introduced him to the story of Steve Jobs and his entrepreneurial journey. He was highly influenced by this story, and still is today. In the early days, he focused more on the hardware side of computers. But, slowly over time, he was introduced to the coding side of things and found it a much more thriving ecosystem in India. Outside of tech, Raghav likes to watch movies… so much so, that he reviews movies for his friends, and tells them what to see or not see. His favorite movies of all time is Troy, but he did admit he saw Inception twice (mostly, so he could understand all of it). One day, Raghav found himself fed up with the lack of tools out there, when it came to videos, animations, etc. He got so fed up that he’d decided to build something to solve his problem… and for 14 million others.
This is the creation story of Animaker.