Oleg Fridman has been at this startup thing for a while. Most of his career, he has been working for himself, remotely. In High School, he was drug into entrepreneurship by a few of his buddies, creating an e-commerce website in 2002 for selling furniture. They figured out that they sucked at selling furniture, but made a pretty good website. Post that, he got involved with restaurant ordering, and turned it into a thriving business. That business, called Onosys, sold to LivingSocial, after serving 4 countries, around 10k restaurants, and doing quite a bit of business online. Currently he lives in Cleveland, Ohio, but has done stints in Austin and Boston. He’s married with 2 little girls, 3 years and 7 months old. His major hobby is legos. He has a huge Star Wards collection, owning one of almost everything. When asked if he shared the legos with his girls, he mentioned they know Daddy’s legos are off limits.
Prior to their current venture, Oleg and his co-founder, Dave, ran an agency focusing on high fidelity prototyping. After doing many projects, they figured out that the process of creating dashboards for a product was a mostly the same, but took a ton of time to prepare the data, extract data, and display it. They both figured out that they could create a solution to make this process simpler.
This is the creation story of Verb Data.