Ken Gavranovic lives in the northern suburbs of Atlanta – namely Alpharetta – with his wife Heather, and two teenage daughters. As a kid, he was fascinated by the movie war games… but what excited him was not the war aspect, but the fact that kid could sit in front of a computer and build anything with their mind. That… got Ken excited.
While living in Galveston, TX, he dove into computers as a 10 year old, reading books and learning assembly. His first computer job was working on the Pick operating system, where he built a way for people to send faxes from their desk. The year after, his solution was a 2 million dollar business.
Post that, he moved to NY to write software, and then to Florida. While in Florida, the internet started booming (about the same time as AOL). He figured out everyone was going to run their business on the internet… so he moved to Atlanta to be in a place with the highest density of bandwidth, and built what is known as today.
Ken was a part of many transformational things throughout his career. Prior to his current venture, he ran product and engineering at New Relic. He got excited about three things that attracted him to his new role, which was purposeful culture, a world changing goal, and the size of an opportunity in front of him. It was these three things that brought him to the company.
This is Ken’s creation story at Unqork.