Be yourself. Be in touch with yourself, own it, and rock it! @CodeStory on #InnovaBuzz podcast @ApplePodcasts
Be bold in yourself and go do it. Give things a shot. @CodeStory on #InnovaBuzz podcast @ApplePodcasts
Enable your people and stay connected with them. There’s nothing more satisfying than making yourself redundant. @CodeStory on #InnovaBuzz podcast @ApplePodcasts
It’s helpful to create brand awareness but the real selling point is knowing your ideal client and understanding the problem that you are solving. @CodeStory on #InnovaBuzz podcast @ApplePodcasts
You need to have enough workers to attract business, but you also need to have enough business to attract workers. @CodeStory on #InnovaBuzz podcast @ApplePodcasts
Making sure that your team stays connected is important in doing remote work. Make sure that there are touchpoints where people can connect and talk to each other with that they are working on. @CodeStory on #InnovaBuzz podcast @ApplePodcasts
Just do it. You’ll never know until you do it. There are so many resources at your fingertips that you can take advantage of, and so, there’s very little risk in trying. If you fail, you’ll just learn something that will help you in the next thing you will do. @CodeStory on #InnovaBuzz podcast @ApplePodcasts
Go analog. Get away from the digital world and go outside. Good ideas come from random places. @CodeStory on #InnovaBuzz podcast @ApplePodcasts