In his early career, Angel Munoz was an investment banker, specializing in technology. He was fortunate enough to invest in the development of MP3’s in the 80’s. In addition to this, he is well known for being the spearhead of what is known as eSports today.
He is a father of 2 kids, and has been married for 36 years. His passion centers around interactive entertainment, specifically in the world of gaming. He tends to lean towards first person shooters – abbreviated FPS – because they have a real sense of immersion. He loves post apocalyptic games, where you have to survive in a world where our systems and infrastructure have been completely removed.
After launching a successful, social media platform around the gaming community – called GTribe, he started to create experiences inside the community. So much so, he and his team attempted to integrate video game aspects into an audio video experience.
This is the creation story of Beacon.
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