Month: September 2021

September 29, 2021

Shortcut (formerly

This message is sponsored by Shortcut.

In the world of software today, shipping quickly is the name of the game… but that doesn’t mean you can cut corners. You have to plan, build, and measure success within your delivery. So how do you focus on the software, and not on the project management?

Thats where Shortcut comes in.

TL;DR – Give Shortcut a try by clicking here.

September 22, 2021

LearnWorlds – Cloud LMS for ALL your needs.

Hello Listeners!

Did you know that creating an income online or adding a new revenue stream to your business has never been easier? Have you ever considered taking your knowledge, skills and expertise and converting it into a course that you can sell online?

Introducing LearnWorlds


Join over 2 million people who access learning anytime, anywhere, on any device. Go to to start your 30-day FREE trial. 

September 15, 2021

Shortcut (formerly

This message is sponsored by Shortcut.

In the world of software today, shipping quickly is the name of the game… but that doesn’t mean you can cut corners. You have to plan, build, and measure success within your delivery. So how do you focus on the software, and not on the project management?

Thats where Shortcut comes in.

TL;DR – Give Shortcut a try by clicking here.

September 14, 2021

Where to Invest $100k, According to the Experts

This message is sponsored by Masterworks.

Today, investors face a dilemma. The global pandemic has completely disrupted markets. The S&P 500 is currently trading near its highest valuation levels since the dot-com crash of 2000. And treasury rates are near 0.

Finding promising investments is harder than ever.

Recently, Bloomberg asked investment experts where they’d personally invest $100,000 right now.

And, They overwhelmingly recommended alternatives, like contemporary art.

September 8, 2021

Compiler – Demystifying the Tech Industry, One Question at a Time

This messages is sponsored by the Compiler podcast.

I wanted to let you in on a new podcast I’m super excited about… Technology can be big, bold, bizarre, and complicated. How do we unravel industry shifts, and better understand new ideas?

September 6, 2021

Code Story – August 2021

Happy Labor Day!

Summer ended with a HUGE slate of guests, with incredible stories. Check out the links below to learn more about our fantastic sponsors, amazing episodes, and podcasts we love. Enjoy!

September 2, 2021 – DevOps as a Service

I’m excited to tell you more about one of our Season 5 sponsors.

The team at have crafted the platform toolchain to enable developer operations at scale. Some teams are staffed up to take these tools and run them right away.

Some aren’t. solves this problem as well, through their managed services solution, coined DevOps as a Service.

September 1, 2021

LearnWorlds – Cloud LMS for ALL your needs.

This message is sponsored by LearnWorlds.

Hello Listeners!

Did you know that creating an income online or adding a new revenue stream to your business has never been easier? Have you ever considered taking your knowledge, skills and expertise and converting it into a course that you can sell online?

Introducing LearnWorlds


Join over 2 million people who access learning anytime, anywhere, on any device. Go to to start your 30-day FREE trial. 

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