Month: December 2020

December 29, 2020

Top 5 Podcast Episodes of 2020

We can all agree that 2020 was a whirlwind year. Some ups, some downs, and some required ability and flexibility from the tech visionaries we interviewed. We took the Top 5 episodes for 2020, based on your listens, and listed them here.

December 21, 2020

Apex Minecraft Hosting – Signup Here!

In Season 3 of the Code Story podcast, we interviewed Seth Mattox, co-founder and CEO of Apex Hosting. Within this episode, which was episode 12, we uncovered the innovative bits around how Seth and his friends never wanted to stop gaming… so much so, that they build a successful business around Minecraft hosting. And not just any hosting company, but a hosting company with the best support in town.

We thought it was so great, we decided to make it super easy for those looking for Minecraft Hosting to signup using the link below. Enjoy this great product and company!

Click here to signup for Apex Minecraft Hosting.

December 11, 2020

Try Saga this Holiday Season!

Previously, we interviewed Andrew Overton on the Code Story podcast, about his startup – Saga. I wanted to give a shout out to the company, and tell you about their amazing product!

This holiday season, grow closer to your family even while apart with Saga, a voice-based app for families to save family memories that just launched earlier this year during COVID. 

December 8, 2020

Vote Code Story – Best Episode!

The nominations are in for the MicroConf SaaS Podcast Awards! Code Story was nominated for Best Episode, featuring Ryan Graciano of Credit Karma from Season 2. Click the link below to vote for Code Story, and the other amazing podcasts, hosts, and shows listed!

December 2, 2020

Code Story Review – November 2020

Throughout the election month, the fall, and Thanksgiving holiday month, we had some great guests, great sponsors, and great stories told about disruptive tech. Enjoy!

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